17760 sqm of gardens
4282 sqm désimperméabilisés
4450 sqm of green roofs
1238 sqm of accessible gardens on the roof
The Cap 3000 shopping center is located in the immediate vicinity of the estuary of the Var, a natural area rich in biodiversity and classified “Natura 2000”: coastal wetland of the Côte d’Azur, and place of frequentation and nesting for many bird species. It was therefore essential that the renovation-extension project of the center be done in connection with the preservation of this natural site. For this, Altarea Cogedim has created a diversity of ecological habitats for local flora and fauna, in connection with the Var wetland. The Group has also signed an exemplary partnership with the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO, a French NGO) for the design, construction and operation phases for 5 years. As an example, the planning of the works close to the estuary was established taking into account the nesting periods of the protected species, the LPO monitors the birds with a count every 15 days during the construction period, and the design incorporates screen-printed glass to prevent bird shocks. The biodiversity approach will also be pursued after the delivery of the center, and the implementation of an ecological management plan adapted to the developments made, the creation of an ornithological observatory, or the creation of pedagogical events for visitors on the theme of biodiversity, several times a year.